Better muon triggers for charm and beauty studies in Run 3

Dimuon mass distribution for data collected with inclusive, displaced, and Upsilon triggers.

Run 2 results attracted significant interest in heavy flavor physics at the LHC. The highlights of these findings include a 3-sigma discrepancy in the decay rate of the B meson into charm mesons with either a muon or a tau, deviations from the Standard Model predictions in the differential branching fraction measurements of b->sll processes, and a lepton flavor universality violation in B->J/psi K* decays. While the latter was eventually determined to be an experimental error, the other effects have withstood all tests to date.

Our group has proposed and developed a set of new high-level triggers that capture more relevant data for such measurements. The new trigger detects and saves all dimuon candidates with masses in the range [0.2, 8.5] GeV. The plot displays the inclusive mass spectrum from the 2023 data, which clearly reveals multiple dimuon resonances. It even captures the rare phenomenon of muon pair production by high-energy photons interacting with the detector material. These events manifest as a sharp peak at the lower dimuon mass for displaced dimuon events.

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