The Particle Physics Collaboration (PPC) would like to extend its proudest congratulations to Sevio for completing his work with the MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP)!

Sevio’s work at the PPC focused on starting a brand new search at CMS for a Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics model called ‘SUEPs’: Soft Unclustered Energy Patterns, collaborating with the local team at MIT, as well as the rest of the SUEP team located at CERN, Fermilab and several universities located in the US and Europe.
SUEPs are signatures related to several BSM theories, as well as instantons; in particular, the search focused on dark QCD models that could have very interesting properties in explaining dark matter structure and interactions, if they are observed to exist.
Starting a new physics analysis is an exciting time: nothing is known, everything is to be defined, studied, pondered, optimized and explored. What are the interesting variables to look at? What are the defining characteristics of the signal and the backgrounds? What problems will come up?
All these unknowns that make it an exciting time make it a difficult time. But Sevio’s hard work was able to shed light on several key aspects of this new search such as developing selections to isolate the signal and build an understanding on the backgrounds, and how they can be isolated and modeled. His efforts have laid important groundwork for its continuation by the rest of the SUEP team in the future.
Sevio now prepares to apply for graduate school in physics, and we would like to wish him the best of luck, and to continue rocking the field of high energy physics!