This year’s summer CMS week was very busy on several fronts: Run 2 analyses (believe it or not), Run 3 startup issues, and Phase-II upgrade developments. In the past months the collaboration became aware of several issues with the 2022 data taking and the corresponding Monte Carlo that was produced. The PPC had been quite active in identifying and addressing some of the issues that were uncovered, and at the time of the CMS week the picture had substantially improved and for the 2023 data taking things looked much better under control. This might be best summarized in the introductory talk of Wednesday session:

As usual the opening plenary session had a nice overview of the general status of the CMS experiment which is fine, and there were two plenary sessions dedicated to new physics results and general physics discussion which were all on Run 2 data. In these plenary sessions there was a nice summary talk on the W boson mass measurement, one of our main activity these days.
The other important plenary sessions on Wednesday and Friday dealt with the status of Run 3 data: on Wednesday it was all about the Detector Performance Group (DPG) and the Physics Object Groups (POG), while on Friday focused was on physics validation, including a talk on multilepton studies using 2022 and 2023 data by our own Guillelmo Gomez-Ceballos.
The PPC was also represented strongly during the Standard Model Physics (SMP) general meeting on Tuesday, , where the two talks involve our group, about the “Full status report on the first WW measurements using Run 3 data” (by PPC’s Guillelmo Gomez-Ceballos) and the “Long report on the W boson mass measurement towards unblinding”.
Finally, during the Collaboration Board meeting on Friday the appointment of our own Dima Kovalskyi as the Level 2 convener of Computing Operations was approved. Way to go, congratulation Dima!