Visit to Shanghai to talk about the Higgs boson

I was invited to the 2013 Shanghai Particle Physics and Cosmology Symposium (SPCS2013) in Shanghai, China to report on the Higgs highlights from CMS. Bill Murray, also a former Higgs convener reported on the highlights from ATLAS. A good old colleague from the LEP days, Alain Blondel, reported about the plan for the future like the circular collider. It was an amazing experience, because I realized for the first time how much progress China has made in the last 50 years and how much more similar Chinese cities look to European cities than to the US cities. Space is an issue but the architecture is breathtaking, the streets generally more narrow and the cars generally smaller than the ones we are used to in the US. Shanghai’s food was amazing and I met one of my student’s (Ming Ming Yang) parents, which was a treat because they treated me to the best food in Shanghai.

The meeting’s agenda is somewhere hidden deep in my email, but I was able to find the article that the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) wrote about the event.

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