Luca Lavezzo

Luca Lavezzo

Mitchell Conference, Texas, 2024

The Mitchell Conference is hosted every year at Texas A&M, with the stated goal of bringing together experimentalists working on different frontiers and pheno/theory folks to discuss recent developments on dark matter, standard model, and neutrino physics. This goal seems…

APS Division of Particles and Fields, Pittsburgh, 2024

The lively conference boasted nearly 600 participants between graduate students, postdocs, and professors, which filled the hallways and classrooms (and dorms) of the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University now emptied of undergraduates who were off for summer break.…

U.S. FCC Workshop @ MIT

For three days, much of the U.S. and international community met in a rainy Cambridge to discuss the plans of the Future Circular Collider and the future of the field. This was the second U.S. annual FCC workshop, and the…

Art, beyond physics

Visiting student from KIT, Yusuf Seday, impressed us and the crowd with his elaborate improvisations on the guitar and loop at the MIT Battle of the Bands event this weekend. His passion and deep ability for music were apparent to…

SUEP Hits Social Media

After the PAS was released in December, and in preparation for the real paper, a briefing describing the SUEP offline search has been made public on the CMS and is advertised by the CMSExperiment accounts on social media:

¡Adéu, Martí!

After 8 months of hard work, coffee, and tacos, Martí leaves the PPC having submitted his Master’s Thesis: a huge congratulations! A visiting student from ETH Zurich, Martí worked alongside our very own Mariarosaria and Kyungseop to study rare Higgs…

Congratulations, Sevio!

The Particle Physics Collaboration (PPC) would like to extend its proudest congratulations to Sevio for completing his work with the MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP)! Sevio’s work at the PPC focused on starting a brand new search at CMS for…

Congratulations, Pieter!

The Particle Physics Collaboration would like to extend its proudest congratulations to Pieter for completing his work in fulfillment of his Master’s Thesis on the SUEP search at CMS! MIT and the PPC have been lucky to host Pieter over…