Category Analysis

Congratulations Dr. Yang

On August 14, 2024 at 10am the Kolker room was well populated by experimental and theoretical physicists mostly. Tianyu Yang’s thesis was on the agenda for today and it was a wonderful presentation which also served as his thesis defense.…

MIT heads to Boston (LHCP 2024)

The Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP) is one of the largest conferences for high energy physics, hosted every year , focusing on results from CERN experiments. This yearly conference just had its 12th edition hosted here in Boston. Hundreds of…

Güle güle*, Yusuf!

In PPC’s recent uninterrupted series of visiting students, Yusuf Seday has been another unique, productive, and pleasant visitor. Hailing from Turkey, he joined KIT (no spelling mistake) and our dear colleague Markus Klute sent him over for a 3 month…

SUEP Hits Social Media

After the PAS was released in December, and in preparation for the real paper, a briefing describing the SUEP offline search has been made public on the CMS and is advertised by the CMSExperiment accounts on social media:

Pheno 2023 Conference at Pittsburgh

Physicists communicate with each other so that sparkling thoughts could emerge during the exchange. The bonding of theorists and experimentalists is tight. Experimentalists need theory predictions and models to motivate the research, while theorists need experimental results to verify and…