Category CERN

LHC finishes a Record Year

Today, November 23, 2024, the LHC crew at CERN completed the running of the Large Hadron Collider for 2024, which was the tenth year and resulted in a record data accumulation. The beginning of 2024 went picture book perfect: when…

CERN has a new DG elect – Mark Thomson

As the PPC’s fate is inextricably intertwined with the future of CERN we are so glad to see that the new CERN director has been decided: “Today, the CERN Council selected British physicist Mark Thomson as the Organization’s next Director-General”.…

The CMS Heavy Ion Run in 2024

CMS has a rich heavy-ion physics program covering measurement of jet quenching, quarkonium suppression, heavy flavor, flow correlations, and forward physics. Many of the physics goals involve rare probes of the quark-gluon plasma that rely on large data samples. The…

Catching up in August?

When the summer turns really hot and it is late July in Geneva there is usually a notable slow down. August is coming and everybody knows this is the time when people take their vacation, they go to the seaside…

MIT heads to Boston (LHCP 2024)

The Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP) is one of the largest conferences for high energy physics, hosted every year , focusing on results from CERN experiments. This yearly conference just had its 12th edition hosted here in Boston. Hundreds of…

LHC ‘remarkably’ on schedule

From the recent Advisory Committee of CERN Users (ACCU) meeting at CERN the performance of the LHC during the ongoing year has been discussed and—I am impressed—the LHC turns out to be perfectly on schedule and if the run continued…