Catching up in August?
When the summer turns really hot and it is late July in Geneva there is usually a notable slow down. August is coming and everybody knows this is the time when people take their vacation, they go to the seaside…
When the summer turns really hot and it is late July in Geneva there is usually a notable slow down. August is coming and everybody knows this is the time when people take their vacation, they go to the seaside…
The Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP) is one of the largest conferences for high energy physics, hosted every year , focusing on results from CERN experiments. This yearly conference just had its 12th edition hosted here in Boston. Hundreds of…
Summer at CERN is special with the PPC. We usually have a flock of undergraduate students going to CERN to perform research with our group. The students are mostly funded through the MISTI and the IROP (international UROP) programs and…
From the recent Advisory Committee of CERN Users (ACCU) meeting at CERN the performance of the LHC during the ongoing year has been discussed and—I am impressed—the LHC turns out to be perfectly on schedule and if the run continued…
It is summer and of course we have a bunch of Summer students at CERN. Mariarosaria took care of the organization for the PPC and here you see them just after arrival trying out the CERN canteen for lunch. Welcome…
My recent visit to CERN would have been sufficiently motivated by the CMS week, but I was not sure whether I should go because it was in the middle of the semester and I do not like to leave the…
At the end of March (18-22), CMS held a major internal workshop (Computing and Offline Week) dedicated to issues related to data processing, distribution, and analysis. This workshop occurs twice a year and brings together experts from various laboratories, computing…
First splash events recorded in CMS on last Friday (March 8, 2024) made it more than obvious that the LHC team has brought back beams into the collider. Its BeamTime as they say at CERN and thus LHC finished the…
First proton beams are in the machine for this year, 2024. It is always an exciting moment, even if we have done this for many many years already. To get a machine with 1232 dipole magnets and even more focusing…
The CERN director, Fabiola Gianotti, goes through her usual New Years address and presents accomplishments of the last year and the plans for the coming year(s). An amazing talk as every year because there is a lot going on at…