Category CMS

¡Felicidades, Cecilia!

Visiting MIT for the fall semester, Cecilia concluded her experience here on the week of Thanksgiving. She will return to her home institution of CIEMAT to begin work on her thesis after 3 months of great physics and memorable experiences.…

LHC finishes a Record Year

Today, November 23, 2024, the LHC crew at CERN completed the running of the Large Hadron Collider for 2024, which was the tenth year and resulted in a record data accumulation. The beginning of 2024 went picture book perfect: when…

The CMS Heavy Ion Run in 2024

CMS has a rich heavy-ion physics program covering measurement of jet quenching, quarkonium suppression, heavy flavor, flow correlations, and forward physics. Many of the physics goals involve rare probes of the quark-gluon plasma that rely on large data samples. The…


CAVEAT: this post was embargoed for several weeks because it contains ‘the number’. Just before we could move to the DAQ section during the meeting Josh popped up this plots … glasses of champagne in his hands with Kenneth and…

Catching up in August?

When the summer turns really hot and it is late July in Geneva there is usually a notable slow down. August is coming and everybody knows this is the time when people take their vacation, they go to the seaside…